It still amazes me how much can be accomplished when you actually pay people to come and work on your house. It took less than three days to have all of the sheet rock hung, and now the finishers will be done by Friday!! That means we will be priming and painting by Christmas!
Below is a picture of our new guest room with a small loft area. We took pictures of everything, but as exciting as we are finding sheet rock, we do still realize that it basically looks the same throughout the house, so we'll wait till we paint for the full house tour:)
So what did we do while others worked diligently on our house? This:
Matt, once again astounding me with his skill, built four beautiful solid cherry doors. I love them!
Wow...very nice doors! You should be proud! Happy Holidays~
yes the skill displayed here never ceases to amaze me as well! lookin good!
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